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@ $ . A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

-chain : 8.16
-connected : 8.22
-equivalent : 8.41
-like : 8.66
-map : 8.66
-od : 8.109
-smooth : 8.32
-smooth at : 8.32

_ . _

_ A_
absolute end point : 8.1
absolute retract : 8.2
absolutely terminal continuum : 8.3
acyclic : 8.4
almost chainable : 8.5
aposyndetic : 8.6
aposyndetic at : 8.6
arc : 8.7
arc-smooth : 8.8
arc-smooth at a point : 8.8
arc-structure : 8.9
arms : 8.110
atomic : 8.10
atriodic : 8.11

_ B_
biconnected : 8.12
bihomogeneous : 8.13
Borel sets : 8.14
branch point : 8.15
Buckethandle : 2.7

_ C_
Cantor 1/5-discontinuum : 2.8
Cantor Comb : 5.1
Cantor Fan : 6.3
Cantor Meanders : 2.6
Cantor Snake : 2.5
chainable : 8.16
chaotic : 8.17
strongly : 8.113
circle : 8.18
completely regular : 8.19
composant of : 8.20
composant of X belonging to : 8.20
confluent : 8.21
connected im kleinen : 8.23
continuous : 8.106
continuous selection of : 8.24
continuum : 8.28
contractible : 8.29
converge 0-regularly : 8.26
converges homeomorphically to the continuum : 8.25
convex : 8.27
Cruller : 2.9
curve : 8.30
cut point of : 8.31
cyclic element : 8.33

_ D_
decomposable : 8.34
deformation retract of : 8.35
dendrite : 8.37
dendroid : 8.36
dispersion point : 8.38
Double Buckethandle : 2.8
Double Topologists's Sin Curve : 2.3

_ E_
equivalent : 8.40
monotonely : 8.40
explosion point : 8.38

_ F_
finitely linear : 8.44
finitely Suslinean : 8.43
fixed point : 8.45
fixed set property : 8.46
free arc : 8.49

_ G_
Gehman Dendrite : 4.5
Gehman Dendrite with Ski : 5.2
graph : 8.50

_ H_
half-ray curve : 8.51
Harmonic Fan : 6.1
Hausdorff metric : 8.60
hereditarily : 8.53
hereditarily decomposable : 8.54
hereditarily equivalent : 8.55
hereditarily indecomposable : 8.56
hereditarily unicoherent : 8.57
hereditary : 8.52
near : 8.76
homogeneous : 8.58
with respect to : 8.58
HU-terminal continuum : 8.59
hyperspace : 8.60

_ I_
improper shore point : 8.111
indecomposable : 8.61
induced mapping : 8.62
initial@ point : 8.8
irreducible : 8.64
irreducible about : 8.64
is of order less than equal to : 8.81

_ J_

_ K_
Knaster's Buckethandle : 2.7

_ L_
Lelek Fan : 6.4
light : 8.65
links : 8.16
local homeomorphism : 8.69
local separating point : 8.70
locally : 8.67
locally confluent : 8.68
locally convex at a point : 8.27

_ M_
Makuchowski Twin : 5.3
Makuchowski Umbrella : 7.1
Menger Universal Curve : 3.2
openly : 8.79
MO-mapping : 8.71
monotone : 8.72
feebly : 8.42
mutually aposyndetic : 8.73

_ N_
natural projection : 8.74
neat : 8.75
non-cut point of : 8.31

_ O_
OM-mapping : 8.77
open : 8.78
Open Sin : 2.2
orbit of : 8.80
order : 8.81
order preserving mapping : 8.82

_ P_
end : 8.39
ordinary : 8.83
periodic : 8.84
ramification : 8.92
recurent : 8.95
weak cut : 8.129
PR-property : 8.85
preserving retraction : 8.82
periodic-recurrent : 8.85
property of Kelley : 8.89
pseudo-arc : 8.87
pseudo-confluent : 8.88

_ Q_
quasi-monotone : 8.90

_ R_
radially convex at : 8.91
rational : 8.93
real curve : 8.94
refinable : 8.96
regular : 8.97
retract : 8.98
retraction : 8.98
rigid : 8.99
strongly : 8.115
Root : 3.4

_ S_
scattered : 8.101
selectible : 8.100
selection : 8.100
self-homeomorphic : 8.102
ball : 8.48
point : 8.47
pointwise : 8.86
at a point : 8.86
strongly : 8.114
at a point : 8.114
strongly : 8.116
semi-aposyndetic : 8.103
semi-confluent : 8.104
semi-continuous : 8.106
semi-continuum : 8.105
semi-locally connected : 8.107
shore point : 8.111
Sierpinski Triangle : 3.3
Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve : 3.1
simple chain : 8.16
simple closed curve : 8.108
simple triod : 8.110
smooth : 8.112
smooth at a point : 8.112
Snake : 2.4
strictly non-mutually aposyndetic : 8.73
strong deformation retract of : 8.35
strongly unicoherent : 8.117
strongly unicoherent2 : 8.118
Suslinean : 8.119

_ T_
terminal continuum : 8.121
thin : 8.122
top : 8.110
Topologist's Sin Curve : 2.1
totally non-semi-locally connected : 8.107
translation : 8.123
tree : 8.124
tree-like : 8.66
triod : 8.125

_ U_
unicoherent : 8.126
at : 8.126
uniquely arcwise connected : 8.127
universal : 8.128
for : 8.128
Universal Dendrite $\bf D_3$ : 4.2
Universal Dendrite $\bf D_4$ : 4.3

_ V_

_ W_
Wazewski's Universal Dendrite : 4.1
weakly chainable : 8.130
weakly confluent : 8.131
weakly hereditarily unicoherent : 8.132
weakly monotone : 8.133
weakly smooth at a point : 8.134
weakly Suslinian : 8.135
widely connected : 8.136
width w(X) : 8.137

_ X_

_ Y_

_ Z_

Janusz J. Charatonik and Pavel Pyrih