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Universal Dendrite ${\bf D_3}$

The Universal Dendrite $\bf D_3$ is obtained by the same procedure as the Wazewski Universal Dendrite just instead of locally connected fans we use simple triods. We start with a simple triod T. Denote T1=T. Now we attach sufficiently small copies of T (with one end point as the attaching point) to all midpoints of all maximal free arcs in T1 and obtain a dendrite T2. Continuing in this fashion, we obtain the sequence of dendrites {Tn} and the Universal Dendrite $\mathbb{D}_3$ is the closure of their union. The Universal Dendrite ${\bf D_3}$ is homogeneous with respect to the monotone mappings. For details see [38, p.362].

Universal Dendrite ${\bf D_3}$- fig. a

Universal Dendrite ${\bf D_3}$- fig. b

Source files: a.eps . a.gif . b.gif . example.htm . figure.mws . latex.tex . title.txt .

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Janusz J. Charatonik and Pavel Pyrih