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Sierpiski Tringle

The Sierpiski Triangle is obtained as the residual set remaining when one begins with a triangle and applies the operation of dividing it into four equal triangles and omitting the interior of the center one, then repeats this operation on each of the surviving 3 triangles, then repeats again on the surviving 9 triangles, and so on $\cdots$ . See [36, Example 2.7].

The Sierpiski Triangle is homeomorphic to the unique nonempty compact set K of the complex plane that satisfies

K= w_1(K) \cup w_2(K) \cup w_3(K) \quad ,

where w1, w2, w3 are maps of the complex plane defined by w1(z)=z/2, w2=(z + 1)/2 and w3=(z+i)/2.

Figure ( A ) Sierpiski Tringle

Figure ( B ) Sierpiski Tringle

Source files: a.eps . a.gif . b.gif . example.htm . figure.mws . latex.tex . title.txt .

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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih