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The locally connected fan

Another simple example is the locally connected fan F_\omega $. It is defined as the union of countably many straight line segments of length tending to 0, emanating from a point p$ and disjoint out of p$. Thus F_\omega $ is the dendrite with only one ramification point whose order is \omega$.

Figure 1.3.3: ( A ) locally connected fan F_\omega $

The following mapping properties of F_\omega $ are known.

  1. F_\omega $ is universal in the class of all n$-ods for n \in \mathbb{N}$.
  2. Each open image of F_\omega $ is homeomorphic to F_\omega $, [Charatonik et al. 1990, Proposition 9.4, p. 42].
  3. A confluent mapping defined on F_\omega $ is open if and only if it is light, [Charatonik et al. 1990, Theorem 9.6, p. 42].

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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih