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Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve

The Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve is a well known continuum which serves as the universal element in the class of all one-dimensional continua in the plane. It is obtained as the residual set remaining when one begins with a square and applies the operation of dividing it into nine equal squares and omitting the interior of the center one, then repeats this operation on each of the surviving 8 squares, then repeats again on the surviving 64 squares, and so on $\cdots$ . See [65, p.9]. The Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve can be characterized as the only plane locally connected one-dimensional continuum S such that the boundary of each complementary domain of S is a simple closed curve and no two of these complementary domain boundaries intersect. See [79].

Figure ( A ) Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve

Figure ( B ) Sierpiski Universal Plane Curve

Source files: a.eps . a.gif . b.gif . example.htm . figure.mws . latex.tex . title.txt .

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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih